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ISO Grass Fed Protein 900g

Expect delivery within 7-10 business.
  • Medical Ingredients: 

    94% Whey Protein Isolate Grass Fed 

    Non-medical Ingredients:

    Natural flavours, xanthum gum, Beet root powder, organic stevia. 

    Artificial sweetner free, no fat added, gluten free,  no sugar added

    Typical Whey Protein microfractions: 

    Beta-Lactoglobulin [MW 18,400D] ................................................ 50-60%

    Alpha-Lactoalbumin [MW 14,200D] .............................................. 12-16% 

    Glycomacropeptide (GMP) [MW 6,700D] .................................... 18-20%

    Immunoglobulins [MW 150,000-1,000,000 D] ........................... 5-8%

    Albumin (BSA) [MW 66,000-69,000 D] ......................................... 3-5%

    Lactoferrin [MW 93,000 D] ................................................................ <1%

    Lactoperoxidase [MW 78,000-80,000 D] .......................................     1%

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